You can't have a boat ride without music. It's literally unamerican to not have music on one. I garuntee you won't find a boat without music. Boat rides are pretty fantastic. The wind through your hair, it pressing to your skin threatening to throw you out of the boat at any moment. The thrill of being in the open going 50 mph and the bouncing up and down on the waves. But the music. The music is what unites all of those good things that a boat ride brings you.
It starts at the dock. The ride is about to begin. The boat is slowly being lowered into the water by the boat lift. Everyone clumsily gets in once the boat is in the water. And you're off. Sitting in the front of the boat, the wind boxing your ears so all it is is you, the wind, the thrill, and the water. You are sitting quietly, smiling slightly to yourself thinking how amazing that moment is. So peaceful, so precious. Then, like a baseball breaking the window. Music. It crashes through your mind. Not in a bad way, more like a gentle crash, if there's such a thing. It makes the moment better. It makes that smile grow even bigger.
Music has this effect. It makes everything better, even something like a boat ride. A boat ride in itself is awesome, but with music it's so much better. With music a boat ride seems like a party. Everyone sings along if they know it and there are those select few who sing by themselves because they are the only ones who know the song. It's so great. It's a moment in life that you will cherish forever. It's one of musical many powers, it's power to help remember.
Music is amazing. Anyone who says differently can go somewhere not so pleasant. It makes boat rides an event to remember. It will make you want to have more and more. I can't wait till I can have my moments like that.
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