Sunday, September 20, 2015

Good Music, Where did you go?

Oh good music, how I miss you so. Where did it go you ask? It died. Plain and simple. Everything that has made music good in the past has gone completely extinct. The beat, the words, the passion, the meaning, it’s all gone. Music makes me feel, it makes me happy, it makes me sad, now it just makes me mad. It seems like all the popular artist of all the teens in America have called up the English dictionary and asked to change the meaning of good music to complete garbage. Either way, I want it back, more than anything.

Music is supposed to be filled with emotion and meaning. It’s supposed to make you happy at a time of sadness and depression. It’s supposed to be so beautiful that it makes you break down in tears. And it’s supposed to make you tingle all over because the words and meaning of the song connect with you on a very deep, personal level. These days, what I’ve been hearing on the radio, really disappoints me. It makes it seem that the whole world is about sex, drugs, and money! They couldn’t be any more wrong. It’s also just a jumble of synthesizer music, bass, and curse words. Why do artists have to do that? Is it too hard for them to actually sit down and think of goof lyrics and maybe a good beat to a song? It sure beats me, because I don’t hear that much out of this generation’s music.

Back in the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s music meant something. Song writers actually took the time to sit down and put meaning into what they were composing. Take The Eagles for example. When they were first getting started, their music was very upbeat and meant really nothing. Then the 60’s came and meaning just started flowing out of their songs. Hotel California was an amazing song. The guitar, the words, the beat, just flowed together to make a song that will be remembered forever. It’s so good that several meanings can be extracted from it to make it just that much of a better song.

Now if you look at today’s music, all that’s being played is being made just to get the singer money. There is no meaning to it. It’s about strippers, drugs, and how someone’s boyfriend made them mad. Where is the joy in listening to that? I just hope that at some point our generation can turn it around and actually make something good.


  1. Old music is the best but you cant tell me that uptown funk isnt catchy as hell

  2. Old music is the best but you cant tell me that uptown funk isnt catchy as hell

  3. I completely agree with your opinion on the loss of good music. One thing that you could possibly add to it would be to give some examples of said bad songs. I like how you provided context to how the old songs were good but like i said, maybe adding the other side of the argument might fortify your argument even more.
