Sunday, September 20, 2015

Movie theater etiquitte, continued

            On my last post I decided to tell everyone on the internet about how people should actually act while attending a movie at your local movie theater. I touched on where people choose to sit and the issue of wailing kids. Although good information, I thought that too much was left out. That there is many more issues that can be touched upon. For instance the use of cell phones, or those couples that don’t seem to know the terms personal space or PDA. Either way, more should be said on this very important topic.

            The use of cell phones in the movies. Should more have to be said about this topic? You wouldn’t think so, but apparently more has to be said. I mean, most movie theaters have a message on the screen before the film about the use of cell phones. Why can’t people follow simple instructions? It beats me! What is so important on your phone that you can’t just look at it after the movie is done? Here’s a good example of how annoying it is. Say that Jill is at the movies. A very intense, dramatic, sad scene is one. Everyone is on the edge of their seats just waiting to see how things pan out. Then all of a sudden, sitting on her lap, Jill’s phone lights up and everyone around her all of a sudden hears, “YO HOME SKILLET! YOU HAVE A MESSAGE UP IN HERE RIGHT ABOUT NOW!” At that moment, the mood is completely broken and everyone is staring at her is disgust. All thinking how ignorant she is and how someone needs to curb stomp her. So you get the point, turn off your stupid phone while at the movies.

            Now it’s the issue of couples. Yes we get it, you are dating, and you guys are in love. So much so that you can’t be apart and just have to be close to each other all the time. All I ask is that you don’t show that to the whole world. When I am watching a really good movie, I don’t want to hear the constant noise of you two making out behind me. Also, I don’t want to look over and see your girl basically on top of you. There are usually 300 seats in the movies, please sit in one that is your own.

            Now everyone knows how to properly act at a movie theater. Now that this information is available to the world, I expect a dramatic increase of proper etiquette at the movies.

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