Sunday, September 27, 2015

Disney Movies

My childhood was filled with wonder, imagination, adventure, and amazement. This wasn’t because of things I did. It wasn’t because of trips that I went on. It most definitely wasn’t because of school. “What was it then?” some people might ask. Well I’ll tell you what it was, it was Disney movies! They were so amazing then, and 10 years later, they are still amazing. I even had a Disney movie marathon recently with one of my good friends that reminded me of how awesome all those movies are. Disney movies are full of creativity and are the base of every childhood that was awesome. If anyone hasn’t seen them, it is highly recommended. At least by me it is.
Now when I say Disney Movies, some people may be confused about what I mean. I’m not talking about Teen Beach Movie. Not that crap. That type of Disney movie sucks like a vacuum. I’m talking the cartoon ones. The ones that people of all ages can enjoy.
If you are a parent and you see a Disney movie like Teen Beach Movie, you will only notice how the acting is terrible and that no one should always be as happy as everyone in it. If you see a movie like Tangled, you will laugh, you will cry, and then eventually, you will want to see it again. That’s not the only movie like that though. If you ever watch the lion king, I don’t care who you are, who you’re with, how old you are, or how tough you think you are, you will be emotionally broken down. You will laugh, you will be broken down, and you will be on the edge of your seat because the suspense is just killing you.
These movies are amazing in every way. There are people all around the world that will agree with me too. The creativity that goes into just one of their movies is astonishing. So much though is put into each character, making it able for people to connect and feel for those characters. The setting and plot of each movie is so thought out that you’ll want to keep watching them over and over again.

I can tell you this, I can’t wait for Disney to come out with more movies. I want to keep seeing the creativity and wonder in each one. I can’t wait until I’m a father and I’ll be able to show my kids all the amazing movies that I had the pleasure of growing up with.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

What Makes a Song Enoyable

So many songs are coming out today, and if I’m being completely honest, I think most of it is complete garbage. Like what the heck happened? I’ll tell you what happened, this generation happened. We are made up of stupid, uncreative jack wagons that can’t make a good song to save their lives. I don’t want to be older and turn on the radio for my kids and hear a song come on about making it rain on a group of strippers! I want to show them that my age of music was the best that there ever was; but I won’t be able to do that. Not unless we get our act together. My taste in music is very picky; but you’ll see, it is pretty awesome.
When I look for music it has to meet three qualities, Meaning, beat, and words. If a song doesn’t have a good meaning and it has good words and beat, then it will be fine. If a song is lacking the other two qualities, then most likely it the equivalent to dog crap after it accidentally ate an entire Mexican buffet. You can’t say that a song is good if you are listening to it and hear that it is just gibberish (Iggy Azalea). You also can’t say it is good if the beat sounds like my dog farting. But when I listen to music, I like knowing that there is a good meaning behind it. It just makes me like that song even more. Meaning gives songs reason. I want to be able to connect to a song on a personal level. Songs make me feel good, and when they can do that, you know you’ll be hearing that song if you are around me.
            Trust me when I say this, I have been looking for good music to come out. So far, all is for naught. Out of the hundreds of songs that have come out this year that my generation listens to, I’ve found like two. That’s why I have turned to my parent’s era of music and my parents’ generation of music. The 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s have some amazing songs. Hotel California, stairway to heaven, more than a feeling, are all very good examples of this. I have also seen that today’s rock is pretty good too. I don’t count it as my generation’s music though. I say this because most people my age don’t listening to the Offspring or Breaking Benjamin.

            I will continue my search for good music. I am just hoping that one day I can tell my kids that music that came out when I was their age was amazing.

What I Think Makes a Movie Good

Movies come in all different shapes and sizes. Some are long, some are short. Some are freakishly amazing, and some make you want to hit something because of how ungodly horrible it was. Either way, there are many different movies. I personally like many different types of movies, but there are those special few kinds that you couldn’t pay me enough to watch. In order for me to watch any movie, it has to meet a few specifications of mine. If it doesn’t, then most likely you will not be seeing me watching that movie.
The first thing that I look at is the genre of the movie. IF I see that it is a sappy love story about two people whose eyes meet and instantly fall in love; that instantly gets tossed out of the options. If it says horror, then that is definitely something that I would get rid of right away. I personally don’t enjoy getting the crap scared out of me. Literally. I generally look for either action or comedy. I’m that type of person that loves to have a good laugh. So if a movie can make me cry because I am laughing too hard; that’s something I’ll watch. If it is full of explosions, superheroes, hot babes, and sweet cars, that is something that I will watch over and over again. So for me, genre is a big thing.
The second thing I look for is what it’s about and who’s in it. If I see that Justin Bieber is playing the role of a troubled teen that needs to find his parents after they get kidnapped, that is a no. The story sounds good. It meets the suspense level that I like, but since Justin Bieber is in it, I will not watch it. If I look at a movie and see that Scarlet Johansson is playing the role of a sexy spy that has to get deep into undercover in order to kill the leader of an elite group of assassins, then hell to the yes I’m going to watch it!

So many movies are out today, and there are so many to choose from. If I’m looking for something to watch, I will only choose to watch about half of them. Some may say I’m a picky person, but I think that I just have a good choice in awesome movies!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Good Music, Where did you go?

Oh good music, how I miss you so. Where did it go you ask? It died. Plain and simple. Everything that has made music good in the past has gone completely extinct. The beat, the words, the passion, the meaning, it’s all gone. Music makes me feel, it makes me happy, it makes me sad, now it just makes me mad. It seems like all the popular artist of all the teens in America have called up the English dictionary and asked to change the meaning of good music to complete garbage. Either way, I want it back, more than anything.

Music is supposed to be filled with emotion and meaning. It’s supposed to make you happy at a time of sadness and depression. It’s supposed to be so beautiful that it makes you break down in tears. And it’s supposed to make you tingle all over because the words and meaning of the song connect with you on a very deep, personal level. These days, what I’ve been hearing on the radio, really disappoints me. It makes it seem that the whole world is about sex, drugs, and money! They couldn’t be any more wrong. It’s also just a jumble of synthesizer music, bass, and curse words. Why do artists have to do that? Is it too hard for them to actually sit down and think of goof lyrics and maybe a good beat to a song? It sure beats me, because I don’t hear that much out of this generation’s music.

Back in the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s music meant something. Song writers actually took the time to sit down and put meaning into what they were composing. Take The Eagles for example. When they were first getting started, their music was very upbeat and meant really nothing. Then the 60’s came and meaning just started flowing out of their songs. Hotel California was an amazing song. The guitar, the words, the beat, just flowed together to make a song that will be remembered forever. It’s so good that several meanings can be extracted from it to make it just that much of a better song.

Now if you look at today’s music, all that’s being played is being made just to get the singer money. There is no meaning to it. It’s about strippers, drugs, and how someone’s boyfriend made them mad. Where is the joy in listening to that? I just hope that at some point our generation can turn it around and actually make something good.

Movie theater etiquitte, continued

            On my last post I decided to tell everyone on the internet about how people should actually act while attending a movie at your local movie theater. I touched on where people choose to sit and the issue of wailing kids. Although good information, I thought that too much was left out. That there is many more issues that can be touched upon. For instance the use of cell phones, or those couples that don’t seem to know the terms personal space or PDA. Either way, more should be said on this very important topic.

            The use of cell phones in the movies. Should more have to be said about this topic? You wouldn’t think so, but apparently more has to be said. I mean, most movie theaters have a message on the screen before the film about the use of cell phones. Why can’t people follow simple instructions? It beats me! What is so important on your phone that you can’t just look at it after the movie is done? Here’s a good example of how annoying it is. Say that Jill is at the movies. A very intense, dramatic, sad scene is one. Everyone is on the edge of their seats just waiting to see how things pan out. Then all of a sudden, sitting on her lap, Jill’s phone lights up and everyone around her all of a sudden hears, “YO HOME SKILLET! YOU HAVE A MESSAGE UP IN HERE RIGHT ABOUT NOW!” At that moment, the mood is completely broken and everyone is staring at her is disgust. All thinking how ignorant she is and how someone needs to curb stomp her. So you get the point, turn off your stupid phone while at the movies.

            Now it’s the issue of couples. Yes we get it, you are dating, and you guys are in love. So much so that you can’t be apart and just have to be close to each other all the time. All I ask is that you don’t show that to the whole world. When I am watching a really good movie, I don’t want to hear the constant noise of you two making out behind me. Also, I don’t want to look over and see your girl basically on top of you. There are usually 300 seats in the movies, please sit in one that is your own.

            Now everyone knows how to properly act at a movie theater. Now that this information is available to the world, I expect a dramatic increase of proper etiquette at the movies.

Friday, September 18, 2015

How to Behave at the Movies

Some people at the movies are just the rudest human beings ever in the existence of this stupid race. Yelling, laughing, talking, bumping, using cell phones, where you sit; it's all a part of it. Whether it's the type of person that laughs at inappropriate times, or it's that one person that makes too much commentary, or if a person has kids that just have never hear the words shut up, it's all annoying. Some people need to learn just how to act appropriately at a movie. Then there are others that just need to be banned altogether. Let me inform you group of idiots how to act at the movie.
First, everyone has a choice that can ultimately cause a problem right as you walk in, where you sit. Some people are so inconsiderate when it comes to this. Let’s use Bobby (made up person) as an example. Bobby gets to the movie extremely early in order to get a good seat. He and all of his 5’4” glory walks into the movie and sees that he is the first one there. He takes a seat in the top middle because that’s his favorite spot. Then a 6’3”, 280 pound guy walks in. He goes to the seat directly in front of Bobby and sits his fat booty down. How rude is this!? Out of the whole theater to sit in, he sits right in front of Bobby obscuring his view! For people like that hippo who’s so inconsiderate, take a look around you when you sit down. If you see that you are sitting in front of someone smaller than you and you have 300 other seats to sit in, be courteous and choose a different one.

Second, people who have kids that aren’t yet old enough to understand that yelling at a movie isn’t good, just don’t. You people are the reasons that people like me have anger problems. When the movie is getting good and your child decides to want to announce to the world and God that he just crapped in his pants, it makes me want to hit you with a truck. Please, just leave them home with a baby sitter and come watch the movie without the poop filled kid. That way others don’t get bothered and you get a short break away from the kids that you don’t know how to raise correctly.