Saturday, October 31, 2015

Horror Movies

            You know what I don’t get? It’s been a question that I’ve had since I was a little kid. It’s always bugged the crap out of me. It’s so dumb that I don’t know why they keep doing it. My question is why the hell would someone pay money, to get the living piss scared out of them? It beats me! I think that horror movies are the dumbest thing in the movie business. All they do is scare the crap out of you. I honestly don’t see the reasoning behind what makes them so popular.
            Horror movies consist of five things, music, affects, dialogue, and the jump scare. A combination of all five of these elements creates a pants shitting movie. These all don’t happen at once. It happens over a course of about five minutes. This is to build up suspense and to get you prepared to scream so loud that your neighbors call the cops because they think there’s a murder. I mean technically there has been, but that’s beside the point. The point is that they are strategically placed to get the best scare out of you.
            The first thing that producers do is put the characters in a scary scene and create a specific dialogue to build up to it. For example, Jenny and Jen are walking down a country road between two corn fields in the dead of night. “Did you hear that?” Jen said. “Yeah, I think I did. It came from the corn field right over there,” Jenny exclaimed while pointing to the source of the sound.
            Then they que the scary music. This causes the audience to tense up, because they know exactly what is going to happen. Then comes the part where you get scared shitless. A thing pops out of the corn field and slaughter the two girls right where they stand (this probably wouldn’t have happened if they had Direct TV.) This is the jump scare. Then to drive everything home, they have good affects to make it seem as real as possible. They have all the blood and gore to wrap it all up. It shows, down to the tiniest detail, exactly what it looks and sounds like when you watch your friend get their head chopped off by a rusty machete.

            This is what a horror movie basically is. Again, I have no idea the reasoning people have to want to see these. But hey, people still watch them and movie companies keep getting money off of them, so I don’t think that they are going to go away any time soon.

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